哈哈哈哈哈太有趣了吧!第一首就是Psycho Killer!竟然第一次听原版!每个人都才华横溢精力十足,就那么几个灯玩出了那么多创意,老公好大赛的满怎么夸最后镜头转向观众也是神来之笔,大家都跟着神经质地扭起来了哈哈哈
3.5; Curse the misleading trailer! Thank god it’s not some formulaic expression of feminism as the trailer makes it out to be. After all, Little Women is not a didactic piece that urges women to discard their ‘heart’ and ‘beauty’ just because they are socially expected to have those qualities. When a social norm begins to threaten one's autonomy, always remember: if one went the opposite way of a stereotype for the sake of breaking that stereotype, one is still dictated by that very stereotype. Joe learns it the hard way, and her most revealing line in the film is: 'but I'm so lonely'. The very line that's been cut off from the trailer.